entity names for VN o+ and u+

Waruno Mahdi mahdi at FHI-Berlin.MPG.DE
Sun Apr 29 13:40:09 UTC 2001

Thanks, Gary Palmer and Doug Cooper, who contacted me

My fault, I was very unclear about what I was looking for.
I understand that there is a version of iso8859 that can be
used for Vietnamese (like there's one which can be used for
Polish, with which one can use such specific entity names
like ą and ę for the a and e with rightwards-
orientated cedilla-like squigle at the lower right end).
I wanted to know whether there are specific entity names for
o+ and u+ which one would use when having the Vietnamese-
compatible variant of iso8859.

But one of the links Doug suggested has anyway helped me
find out the anglophone terms for o+/u+, which is apparently
"o/u with horn". So my best guess is that the entity names
would probably be &ohorn; and &uhorn;. Does this ring a
bell with anybody, either as being correct or totally wrong?

Would the combination-modes then be something like &ohornacute;?
or more like &ohacute; or &ohoacute; ? or &ohornac; ? or
perhaps even &ohornsac; ?

I think the biggest problem in HTML is that they followed the
principle of MS Word, where every combination of basic character
plus diacritic is an entity on its own. In Tex and WordPerfect,
for example, one is free to combine any basic letter character
with any available diacritic. I have no problem, for instance,
to put out d-cedilla or s-acute or even g-caron in Plain TeX,
it's \cd, \'s and \vg respectively. makes the available font
pretty farreachingly compatible with any even exotic specific
latinscript implementations.

Thanks in advance for any further hints.


Gary Palmer wrote:
> I don't know about a standard entity name, but &rsquo should
> give you a
> single right quote, so you might try o&rsquo and u&rsquo.
In a pinch, that's indeed a good way out, yes, thanks.

Doug Cooper wrote:
>and found several pages that might help you, including:
>  Please let me know if this helped, or is just something
> you knew aready ;-( .
It helped! :-)

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