Filipino/Tagalog Position at UCLA (fwd)

Yuphaphann Hoonchamlong yui at
Tue Feb 6 10:41:29 UTC 2001

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 11:48:28 -0500 (EST)
From: Adelwisa A Weller <alagawel at>
To: cotseal2000 at
Subject: Filipino/Tagalog Position at UCLA (fwd)


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2001 22:17:51 -0700
From: Shoichi Iwasaki <iwasaki at>
To: alagawel at
Subject: Filipino/Tagalog Position at UCLA

The Program in South and Southeast Asian Languages and Cultures
at UCLA seeks  applicants for a full-time lecturer position in
Filipino/Tagalog for the  academic year 2001-2002 with possibility of
renewal (pending budgetary approval).  The lecturer will be
responsible for first and second year instruction in Filipino/Tagalog.
Applications are invited from qualified individuals.  Candidates with
native or near-native  fluency in the target language, advanced
degrees, some background in  Linguistics, and previous experience in
teaching Tagalog to both heritage and non-heritage students, are
preferred.  Review of candidates  will begin March 1, 2001.
Applications should include a letter of  interest, CV, and three letters
of recommendation.  Applications should  be sent to: Shoichi Iwasaki,
Director of South and Southeast Asian  Languages and Cultures
Program, c/o Department of East Asian Languages  and  Cultures,
290 Royce Hall, Box 951540, University of California, Los  Angeles,
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1540. UCLA is an Affirmative  Action,
Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and underrepresented
minorities are encouraged to apply.  AA/EOE.

Shoichi Iwasaki
(310) 794-8933 (direct)
(310) 206-8235 (message)
(310) 825-8808 (fax)
Office Hours (Winter, 2001):  Tu/Th 11-12

East Asian Languages & Cultures
Director, South/Southeast Asian Languages & Cultures
290 Royce Hall, Box 951540,
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1540

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