Publication of Chepang dictionary

Malcolm Ross Malcolm.Ross at
Wed Feb 7 04:37:44 UTC 2001

PACIFIC LINGUISTICS is happy to announce the publication of Ross
Caughley's Chepang dictionary.

Prices are in Australian dollars (one Australian dollar is currently
equivalent to about US$ 0,55.).

Orders may be placed by mail, e-mail or telephone with:

The Publications Administrator
Pacific Linguistics
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
The Australian National University
Canberra   ACT   0200   Australia

Tel:	+61 (0)2 6249 2742
Fax:	+61 (0)2 6249 4896


Credit card orders are accepted.

For our catalogue and other materials, see: (under construction)


Dictionary of Chepang: A Tibeto-Burman language of Nepal

Caughley, Ross

PL 502

This dictionary contains a comprehensive record of the lexical items of a
major Chepang dialect, along with references to other dialects.  There are
about 8,000 Chepang entries and close to 13,000 in the English-Chepang
section.  There are also several appendices listing vocabulary relating to
various semantic fields, such as plant and animal names, kinship terms and
manufactured items.  The introduction gives an extensive background to the

2000	ISBN 0 85883 452 9	540 + ix pp.
AUS $88.00	($80.00)	Weight 1100g


Dr Malcolm D. Ross
Senior Fellow
Department of Linguistics
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
Australian National University

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