Thai romanization question (fwd)

Ron Myers myers at
Tue Jun 12 04:27:32 UTC 2001


Yuphaphann Hoonchamlong wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: michael farris <maf at>
> Subject: Thai romanization question
> Hello,
> The Institute of Linguistics of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland
> began a small-scale Thai language program this last academic year. We also
> recently received a very generous gift of materials including many books in
> Thai and are wondering how to catalogue them.
> The usual procedure in our library is to catalogue books not written in
> Polish in their original language (without translations). If a language does
> not use the Roman alphabet, then a system of romanization is used.
> So, is there any particular system of romanization favored by librarians?
> <snip>
> Thanks in advance for any help.  -mike farris

I usually just listen in, but maybe I can be of some assistance on this one.
Cornell University's Olin-Kroch-Uns Libraries (pronounced "crock"), where their
SE Asian stacks are kept (mainly Kroch), has a very workable Romanization system
for non-Thai readers.  You might contact the head librarian there for more
information.  Can't recall his name at present.  The system they have seems
quite straight forward and simple (if that's possible here).

This URL should get you there, or closeby

Ron Myers
 San Diego
 (619) 448-5250

Isan People Thesis (a never-ending work in process)

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