sending file fr moscow

Justin Langseth just at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 19 20:35:39 UTC 1995


The fastest way is by FTP.  If your person in Moscow has
FTP access, she should do her best to compress the file and
send it to you.  After compressing the file, you may find it
to take only 1MB or less.  If you need more technical info
about FTP and how to go about this, email me.

If she does not have a good internet access point in Moscow
performing this FTP may be difficult or impossible.  In that
case, your best option is to put it on disks and send it DHL
or Fedex.  Or even faster, give it to someone flying to the
US.  I'm not sure if standing around Sheremetevo with a couple
floppys begging people to take it for you will work, but it
is worth a try in a pinch.  I know that if someone asked me
to do this in the airport, I'd probably consider it :) ...

It _can_ be done via email.  If you compress the file with
PKZIP and then UUENCODE it with an encoder program, you could
break it up into pieces and email it, and then reconstruct it
on the other end.  This, theoretically would work even with
a bad connection in Russia, because you could break the file
(after UUencoding) into 100 pieces and email them separately.

If you have any questions, let me know...

                                - Justin Langseth
                                  MIT Sloan School

>I have to get a 5 megabyte Corell Draw file from Moscow to
>New York as quickly as possible.  The person sending has an
>internet account which she reaches by modem.  Can someone
>suggest the best and quickest way to do this?  Are e-mail, ftp
>or Federal Express, etc., viable options to get this done within a
>day or two?  How would one go about doing this?  Any help
>would be much appreciated.

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