First-year Russian language textbook "Golosa"

George Fowler GFOWLER at
Thu Feb 9 05:49:41 UTC 1995

Christina & everybody,
     I think you are dreaming if you hope to get through Golosa at a chapter a
week. Although I'm not involved in teaching from Golosa myself, it has been
used in my dept. for a couple of years (and it is generally liked); I believe
they cover 7 chapters in the first semester, this with 5 contact hours in first
year. I personally think, from leafing through the book and listening to my
wife talk about her class at the Indianapolis campus of Indiana University
(commuter students, and not exactly committed or faithful at attending!), that
you can't do justice to it if you rush through it--you need to linger on some
of the proficiency-based stuff.

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