Polish _odjazd_?

L. Leszek lleszek at baltic.iitis.gliwice.edu.pl
Thu Feb 16 14:36:47 UTC 1995

On Wed, 15 Feb 1995 23:26:59 -0400
"E. Wayles Browne" <ewb2%cornell.edu at plearn.edu.pl> asked:

> What does Polish _odjazd_ mean? I know it means "departure", e.g.
> odjazd poci\,agu, but in the following passage it seems to have
> another meaning:
> Olbrzymi\,a zalet\,a tych systemo'w jest m.in. to, z.e w przeciwien'stwie
> do wielu alternatywnych koncepto'w s\,a one adresowane do wszystkich
> ludzi, nie zas' tylko do "odjazdo'w"
> The quotation marks " " are in the original text. \,a means a-ogonek.

"Odjazd" or "odlot" is used in youth subcultures to refer to the effects
of drugs (psychodelic etc). In a broader sense, it means any powerful
and exciting experience, or a thing that gives such an experience -
- a fantastic new dress, a swell piece of music, a breathtaking ride
in a latest-model sports car. I don't know which meaning came first.

I haven't met the word referring to a human being though. Given your
context, it might mean people with unusual ideas, or simply crazy
(depending on how you look at them).

Hope this helps,

| Leszek Luchowski. Internet addr.: lleszek at baltic.iitis.gliwice.edu.pl |

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