Polish _odjazd_?

E. Wayles Browne ewb2 at cornell.edu
Thu Feb 16 03:26:59 UTC 1995

What does Polish _odjazd_ mean? I know it means "departure", e.g.
odjazd poci\,agu, but in the following passage it seems to have
another meaning:
Olbrzymi\,a zalet\,a tych systemo'w jest m.in. to, z.e w przeciwien'stwie
do wielu alternatywnych koncepto'w s\,a one adresowane do wszystkich
ludzi, nie zas' tylko do "odjazdo'w"
The quotation marks " " are in the original text. \,a means a-ogonek.

Please reply to me personally: ewb2 at cornell.edu
not to the whole list. Many thanks!

Wayles Browne, Assoc. Prof. of Linguistics
Dept. of Modern Languages and Linguistics, Morrill Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York 14853, U.S.A.
tel. 607-255-0712 (o), 607-273-3009 (h)
e-mail ewb2 at cornell.edu (1989 to 1993 was: jn5j at cornella.bitnet //
jn5j at cornella.cit.cornell.edu)

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