Best German/Russian dictionaries?

John J. Ronald jamison at
Wed Mar 1 14:26:53 UTC 1995

This question is probably strange comming from a native
English speaker like me, but I speak German very well
(fluent in everyday discourse, ok in technical/philosophical
discussions) and am interested to know:  What is the
best German/Russian dictionary on the market?  I positively
detest Hyppocrine (sp?) dictionaries and Langenscheidts'
for their lack of good examples.  Does Duden or Wahrig put
out a good German/Russian, Russian/German set?  I know
Russkij Yazik Moskva has a set, but those are designed for
Russian speakers, not foreigners.  I want to avoid East
German dictionaries for fear of distorted semantic meaning
by the SED editors who wrote them.  How about the
German PONS dictionaries?  (their cooperative dictionary with
Collin's is the best English/German, German/English dictionary
available in one volume)  I have several friends in Germany
right now and am considering asking one of them to send
me a good German/Russian, Russian/German dictionary set
if I could just tell them which one is the best to buy.
I when working on compositions or translations, sometimes I
have German phrases that are readily at my command and
much more precise than a wordy English construction.  If
I could have a good Ger/Rus, Rus/Ger dictionary printed
by a German publisher for Germans, with good example
sentances of entry words in various contexts, I would be
very happy indeed.  I thank all of you for any information
you might be able to give me.  Poka!  Do Skorovo!

---John Ronald
        Rice University
        Dept. of German & Slavic Studies

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