Northwest Conference

Colleen Halley cfhalley at
Fri Mar 3 15:51:10 UTC 1995

         First Annual Northwest Regional Conference on
             Russia, East Europe, and Central Asia
for scholars, students, educators and all those in the Northwest
       specializing, working or interested in the region
                    Saturday, May 6, 1995
                  University of Washington
                         Seattle, WA

Dear Colleague:

The Russian, East European, and Central Asian Studies (REECAS) Center is
sponsoring the first Annual Regional REECAS Conference to be held at the
University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington, on Saturday, May 6.
The goal of the conference is to a establish a regional community of
scholars, educators (elementary school through university levels), and
others who are interested in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
The conference will consist of formal and informal paper presentations,
round table discussions, research updates, and other REECAS-related
sessions.  For this conference, we are soliciting individual papers and
session ideas on REECAS-related topics, such as economic transformation,
international relations, environmental degradation, or teaching
methodology, from individuals in the Pacific Northwest (Washington,
Oregon, Idaho, and British Columbia).

We encourage specialists, including advanced graduate students, in all
disciplines in institutes of higher education in the Northwest to
participate.  Representatives of businesses, K-12 educational
institutions, government agencies, and other organizations interested in
the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe are also welcome.  In order to
facilitate interaction, several social events are planned, and a list of
REECAS specialists, organized by discipline, will be compiled and
distributed to participants.

If you are interested in participating in the conference as a session
organizer, presenter, or discussant, please return the form below.  We
will send out the final program and registration information by April 1,
so send your form to us before that date if you want to be included in the
program.  Please pass along this information to anyone who might be
interested in participating in the conference.

We look forward to hearing from you!


Kurt Engelmann
Assistant Director, REECAS Center

Craig ZumBrunnen
Associate Professor, Geography & REECAS

I am interested in participating in the first annual Regional REECAS
Conference.  Please include me as a:

        [] session organizer

           session topic: ________________________________________


        [] presenter

           paper title:   ________________________________________


        [] discussant

           topic(s) of interest:



        name:   __________________________________________________

        affiliation:    __________________________________________

        email:  __________________________________________________

        address: _________________________________________________


        phone:  __________________      fax:  ____________________

If you are a UW alumna/alumnus, please provide the following information:

        year graduated: _________

        department:     __________________________________

                203B THOMSON HALL
                BOX 353650
                SEATTLE, WA  98195-3650

or email:       kengel at
     fax:       (206) 685-0668

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