Taking VCR to Russia

Leszek Luchowski lleszek at baltic.iitis.gliwice.pl
Mon Mar 6 20:23:25 UTC 1995

I very strongly recommend finding out what kind of TV set etc
your friends are using (as well as the standard in effect
in their area). Until about a year ago, Polish national TV
used some old-fashioned French SECAM, but most VCR owners
had PAL equipment anyway. The situation in Russia might be similar.

An Israeli friend once wanted to send us a video tape and went out
of his way to find one that matched the TV standard being used
in Poland; the result is we can only watch it in black and white,
and the cooment is in French, a language unknown to most people in
the household.

Best way to learn is by mistakes; cheapest way is by someone else's.

Good luck,

/  Leszek Luchowski. Internet addr.: lleszek at baltic.iitis.gliwice.pl  \
| Real address:  office:           |   home:                          |
|                IITiS PAN         |                                  |
|                Baltycka 5        |   Dlugosza 20                    |
|                44-100 GLIWICE    |   44-100 GLIWICE                 |
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