AATSEEL Chicago Program Update

George Fowler gfowler at indiana.edu
Tue Oct 24 02:34:52 UTC 1995

Greetings and merry 1995 to all of you!

Christina Kramer wrote:
>I appreciate that posting the up-dated programme to the Web is
>convenient for many - perhaps most of the readers of SEELANG, however,
>the cheery statement that there are people in the computing lab who
>would be happy to show me how to access the Web is simply not true.  I
>suppose I will eventually be forced into paying a consultant to show
>me how to accomplish this task, in the meantime, some other means of
>communiction would be appreciated by at least this scholar.  Christina Kramer

And David Birnbaum responded, laconically:

>If you do not have web access but do have ftp access, you may connect by
>anonymous ftp to ftp.pitt.edu and enter directory dept/slavic/aatseel,
>where you can pick up program_schedule.txt. This is a plain text version
>of the current program schedule.

Here's a slightly more "razvernutoe" exposition of how to do this:

Log into your computer. At the command prompt, type

ftp ftp.pitt.edu

You will be connected to David's mainframe, and prompted to login. Log in
as "anonymous", and give you email address as a password. Hint: it will
take your abbreviated email address: "gfowler@" [fill in your own user name
please!] and will supply the rest by itself. Now type the following:

cd dept/slavic/aatseel

This puts you into his aatseel directory. Type "dir" to see all the files
there. Here's what you see:

200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
total 650
-rw-r-----  1 13591    DJB         52533 Oct 23 17:30 call_for_papers.html
-rw-r-----  1 13591    DJB        213751 Oct 23 17:31 call_for_papers.sgml
-rw-r-----  1 13591    DJB         34023 Oct 23 17:31 call_for_papers.txt
-rw-r-----  1 13591    DJB         55790 Oct 23 17:32 call_with_secretaries.txt
-rw-------  1 13591    DJB          2342 May  1 09:29 division_heads.html
-rw-------  1 13591    DJB          1277 Mar  7  1995 division_heads.txt
-rw-------  1 13591    DJB          2602 Mar  7  1995 from_David_Birnbaum.1
-rw-------  1 13591    DJB          1558 Mar  7  1995 from_David_Birnbaum.2
-rw-------  1 13591    DJB           884 Apr 21  1995 index
-rw-------  1 13591    DJB          2791 Jan 30  1995 panel_declaration.txt
-rw-------  1 13591    DJB          1484 Jan 16  1995 panel_roster.txt
-rw-------  1 13591    DJB           741 Jan 16  1995 participant_information.tx
-rw-r-----  1 13591    DJB        106662 Oct 23 17:32 program_schedule.html
-rw-r-----  1 13591    DJB         82544 Oct 23 17:33 program_schedule.txt
-rw-r-----  1 13591    DJB         93767 Sep 12 10:39 program_schedule_newslette
-rw-------  1 13591    DJB          4601 Feb 20  1995 to_panel_chairs.txt
226 Transfer complete.

The one you want is program_schedule.txt. So type:

get program_schedule.txt

This will transfer the file to your mainframe account at home. It should
take a few seconds. Some systems will ask for the name of a local file; you
should be able to hit carriage return to give it the same name. Or call it
"aatseel.txt". Or "I_hate_computers.txt"!

I have to say, I completely endorse David's posting of this information to
www/ftp. First, this is the way it's going to be over the next few years:
everything is migrating in that direction. For example, at my university
there is basically no other way to check course enrollments, get grant
information, find a student's phone number, log into the library computer,
any of a thousand different services (I'm not exaggerating: connect to
http://www.indiana.edu and check it out for yourself!). Second, as he
pointed out in his follow-up posting, this is additional information:
nothing has disappeared to be replaced by electrons. Third, this isn't a
difficult thing to do. It was much harder to adjust back when you bought
your first computer, whether that was 1983 or 1992. Third, once you get
used to the on-line world, you'll find that there are miraculous things out
there. (Somebody once likened it to a restaurant with a huge supply of free
food but no menu.) 'Course, it can be a real waste of time to read Calvin
and Hobbes this way...

George Fowler

George Fowler                    [Email]  gfowler at indiana.edu
Dept. of Slavic Languages        [Home]   1-317-726-1482  **Try here first**
Ballantine 502                   [Dept]   1-812-855-9906/-2624/-2608
Indiana University               [Office] 1-812-855-2829
Bloomington, IN  47405  USA      [Fax]    1-812-855-2107

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