Sorter for Cyrillic II Pala font--help!

Kjetil Ra Hauge K.R.Hauge at
Mon Apr 22 09:10:09 UTC 1996

Jake quoted:
> "U-Tile+", version 3.0.4, is a text-editor and list-editor with a wide
>  variety of features, including user-configurable alphabet definition,
>  thus controlling the definition of words and their sorting order.

U-Tile+ is a very powerful and useful utility, but it is far from obvious
from the menus how to make it sort the lines of a text document. This is
the trick:

1. Save the document as text only.
2. In U-Tile+, choose New from the File menu and click for List Document in
the ensuing dialogue box.
3. A second dialogue box will ask for the number of columns in your list
document. If you have tab-separated columns in your document, type in the
appropriate number of columns; otherwise type the number 1.
4. In the newly created empty list document, choose Import Entries... from
the document's Eigenmenu" (an Eigenmenu" in U-Tile+ is accessed by holding
down the Command key and pressing down the mouse in the area of the
document title - between the go-away box and the zoom box - in the title
bar of the document window) and select your text-only document.
5. When it has been imported into the list document, choose Sort from the
Eigenmenu". How to create a custom sort order is fairly clear from the
menus and dialogue boxes, so I won't go into that here.
6. After sorting, choose Export to Text from the Eigenmenu". The sorted
document will be exported as a text-only document.

Text-only documents are free from any formatting, so you would have to
reformat your glossary with the Cyrillic font for the Russian glossary
entries and Times or whatever for the rest. To make this easier, you could
format your glossaries from the start with tab-delimited columns. After
sorting and exporting from U-Tile+, use the mail merge function in your
word processor to import the sorted tab-delimited columns. When making the
main document (or the "mask"), format the label for each column with the
appropriate font and size to be used for that column ("field" in mail-merge
terminology) of the data document.

-- Kjetil Raa Hauge, U. of Oslo. Phone +47/22856710, fax +47/22854140
-- (this msg sent from home, phone +47/67148424)

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