Our precious bandwith

Ctr for Russian and East European Studies CREES at UKANVAX.BITNET
Sun Aug 25 17:47:22 UTC 1996

I would add to David's comment another:  I personally see student
advising and mentoring (and that includes talking about jobs) as part
of my own job; I guess that not all colleagues do.  We produce more
than PhD clones, and students have many needs.  If Gary's attitude is
prevalent, that would account for some part of the profession's
recruitment, enrollment, and attrition problems at the undergrad level.
Most university job placement offices, by the way, don't care about
looking for and posting the odd Slavic job -- they have too many
psych and business majors to worry about before they can worry about
SLL majors.  Let's put our students back at the center of what we do;
we wouldn't be here without them.  Maria Carlson, Univ. of KS

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