Our precious bandwith

David Powelstock d-powelstock at uchicago.edu
Sun Aug 25 17:35:53 UTC 1996

Since the majority of SEELANGers who have responded so far have spoken up
in favor of the convenience of getting Devin Browne's job postings on the
list, I see no reason yet to give in to one objector.  Presumably the
content of the list is a matter of consensus among subscribers, not the
opinion of one person, however insistent.  It would be good to hear others'

Incidentally, I hardly think there is cause to aim abuse at Mr. Browne,
whose intentions have certainly been to do a service.  And most respondents
so far believe he has.  If we subscribers consensually decide we would
rather not have the postings, we can politely ask him to stop.  There is no
need for vitriol.

*David Powelstock       Phone:  (312) 702-0035          *
*Slavic Department      FAX:    (312) 702-7030          *
*University of Chicago  d-powelstock at uchicago.edu       *
*1130 E. 59th Street                                    *
*Chicago, IL 60637                                      *

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