Distance education in Slavic

Wayles Browne ewb2 at cornell.edu
Mon Dec 2 18:00:19 UTC 1996

Dear Colleagues:
A soldier in Bosnia has written to me:
"I am a graduate of the Defense Language Institute in Russian and
Serbo-Croatian. I am seeking an Arts and Literature degree in
Slavic languages through Regents College and need help.
Can you recommend any schools that offer good courses in general
or specific Slavic culture and/or literature? I need distance
education type courses (correspondence courses, video courses
and/or E-mail classes) to be able to complete my degree while
deployed in Bosnia. I know when I return to my unit in Hawaii,
we will be on field problems every month until I leave. I am
here until late spring 1997."

What can we recommend? Are there correspondence or distance-ed.
courses in Slavic?
Please reply to the list or to me:
Wayles Browne, Dept. of Linguistics, Cornell University
e-mail: ewb2 at cornell.edu

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