SEEJ 40,3

Jerry Ervin 76703.2063 at CompuServe.COM
Tue Dec 10 07:09:40 UTC 1996

To respond to Paul Klanderud's question:

No one has yet received SEEJ 40,3 (and I haven't seen it yet myself).  It is
being addressed next week at the printing facility in Iowa, I'm told, and it'll
be mailed immediately thereafter.

Given that it will hit the mails just in time for the Christmas rush, I would
expect most of us will receive it in late December or early January.

I hope this information is helpful.

--Jerry Ervin

*  *  *  *  *
Gerard L. Ervin
Executive Director, AATSEEL
1933 N. Fountain Park Dr.
Tucson, AZ 85715 USA
phone/fax:  520/885-2663
email:  76703.2063 at

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