regiony Rossii

Wim Coudenys Wim.Coudenys at
Tue Dec 10 09:36:45 UTC 1996

On behalf of Prof. E. Waegemans, I would like to distribute the folder of
the book on the regions of Russia, published some weeks ago in Belgium:

                Regiony Rossii

=ABRegions of Russia=BB is a book written for everybody who is interested in=
Russia in all the variety of its constituent parts and in a wide range of=20
aspects. Each of the book's 14 chapters covers one region, such as the=20
Northern Region, Povolzhe, the Northern Caucasus, the Urals, Western Siberia=
and so on, including Moscow and St.-Petersburg.
The =ABsynthetic portrait=BB of each region encompasses its geographical=20
position, scenery and climate ; the historical development of the region and=
its role in Russia's cultural history ; the main ethnic groups among the=20
population and their languages, religions and national traditions ; the=20
economic situation, in particular forms of cooperation with foreign=
the opportunities for tourism and the political inclination of the local=20
elites and their relations with the federal authorities in Moscow.
The author collected everything (including jokes!) that, in his opinion, is=
most significant for and most characteristic of the different territories of=
the Russian Federation, and which at the same time will be of most interest=
to readers outside this country. The book even includes information of the=
presidential elections of 1996. Maps of the regions involved are attached to=
each chapter.
=ABRegions of Russia=BB is meant primarily for people studying the Russian=
language. Therefore, the language used is clear and readily understandable,=
with difficult stresses indicated and special terms or important concepts=
facts printed in italics.
The result is an attractive and objectively written book which serves well=
both for recreational reading and as an inexhaustible book of reference for=
anybody interested in present-day Russia : students, translators,=20
philologists and slavists, journalists and businessmen in all countries of=
the world.

Vladimir Ronin (=B0 1958, Moscow) is a historian and slavist. Presently, he=
teaches at one of the Belgian (Antwerp) institutes for interpreters.

Volume   :    296 pages.  ISBN 90 802681 2 7
Price    :    790 Bef / 43 Hfl  /  $  31

Copies can be ordered directly from BENERUS Publishers (Ballaerstraat 106,=
2018 Antwerpen, Belgium, Fax (00) 32 3 237 80 10) by transferring the right=
amount an account 431 - 0616981 - 31 with reference to =ABRegiony=BB.

Dr. Wim Coudenys
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Departement Oosterse en Slavische Studies
Blijde Inkomststraat 21
B-3000 Leuven
tel. ..32 16 324963  fax.  ..32 16 324963
e-mail. Wim.Coudenys at

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