200th Anniv. Cleveland, OH

Rosa-Maria Cormanick rcormani at magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Tue Feb 6 21:03:13 UTC 1996


1996 marks the 200th Anniversary of Cleveland.  As you know, people
of Slavic and East European origins helped build the State of Ohio and
many settled in Cleveland.  Others left Cleveland and are now living
elsewhere in the United States.  Professor George Kalbouss of Ohio
State's Slavic and East European Languages and Literatures Department
is asking everyone who has a memory of some moment regarding CLEVELAND
and its Slavic and East European heritage (growing up, schools, restaurants,
sports figures, churches, where people worked, etc.) to communicate that
memory to him.  Copies of memorabilia, photos, etc. with that Slavic and
East European touch will be appreciated as well.  Anything concerning the
Ukrainian heritage will likewise be passed on to the Ukrainian Museum-
Archive which is conducting a collection effort of Cleveland's Ukrainian
heritage.  After these memories are collected, Professor Kalbouss intends
to present the Mayor of Cleveland with a "Memory Book" of these cherished
moments on behalf of its contributors.

Kindly forward this message to anyone that you may think would be
interested in this project.  Thank you.

e-mail:  Kalbouss.1 at osu.edu
    or   rcormani at magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
FAX:     (614) 688-3107

Slavic & East European Languages & Literatures
The Ohio State University
232 Dieter Cunz Hall
Columbus, Ohio  43210
Phone:  (614) 292-6733

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