KOI8 standards (was - email to and from Russia)

Robert H. Merriman merriman at merriman.com
Thu Jan 4 23:54:33 UTC 1996

If you are on any machine that can display Cyrillic AND run
BASIC.  The following three line basic program should accomplish
what your want fairly easily.

  10 FOR I = 128 TO 255
  20 PRINT I;" ";CHR$(I);"    ";
  30 NEXT I

This should generate a table of all characters above ASCII 128
where both KOI8 (Russian and Ukrainian) characters lie and the
character code number that caused the character to be generated.
You can use the same program with any screen/keyboard driver to
see where the characters from any coding scheme lie.  If you are
using Windows fonts, you can look at these in the character map
found under "Accessories".  Sorry, but I don't know Apples.  If
you have a problem with the program, let me know and I'll check
further.  I run Windows NT and haven't actually used this little
program in several years.  It served me well when I was trying
to better understand Cyrillic coding schemes and I believe I
remember it correctly.

BTW, if you have a Cyrillic printer driver with a coding scheme
that matches your keyboard/screen driver, you can substitute the
word LPRINT for PRINT and the results of this program will be
printed on your printer.


At 05:09 PM 1/4/96 -0500, you wrote:
>>KOI8r, KOI-8 ukrainian
>Does anyone know of a document (hopefully available
>over the airwaves) detailing the differences between
>these two encodings?
>Or is this KOI-8 Ukrainian simply a de facto standard?
 Robert H. Merriman       Russian Linguist    merriman at merriman.com
 P. O. Box 219          Science & Technology    (301)725-2006/voice
 Laurel, MD  20725    Business, Economics, Law    (301)725-2007/fax

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