University of Chicago Slavic Forum

Malynne Sternstein msternst at
Wed Apr 2 19:27:44 UTC 1997

Dear SEELANGS subscribers:

The following is the preliminary schedule for the University of Chicago
Slavic Forum Graduate Student Literature conference, to be held in Chicago
on April 25th and 26th.  You are invited to join us for what will
undoubtedly be a productive and interesting conference.

Malynne Sternstein, Assistant Professor
Slavic Languages and Literatures
University of Chicago


Preliminary Program

=46riday April 25 and Saturday April 26, 1997

=46riday, April 25, 1997
Classics 10, 1010 East 59th Street

8:30 - 9:00 AM  Coffee and donuts
9:00    Opening address

9:15 - 10:45    Slavic Literature in Context

Suzanne Ren=E9 Possehl, McGill University
"A Woman's Journal (or the Birth of the "Cosmo Girl" in 19th Century Russia)=

Matthew Tittle, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
"The Unlikely Influence of Aleksandr Kuprin and His Military Novel _Poedinok=

Jessie Labov, New York University
"National Films of Socialist Literature"

        Discussion:  Discussant To Be Announced

11:00 -12:30    Polish Literature

Matthew Rosenstein, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
"Jan Kochanowski's Use of Classical Imagery"

Monika Szumowska, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
"Anti-Romanticism of a poet writing predominantly in Romanticism: Cyprian
Kamil Norwid's Vade-mecum"

Peter Demartino, University of Chicago
"Grotowski, Mickiewicz, Messianism"

        Discussion: Tamara Trojanowska, Asst. Professor, University of Chica=

12:30 - 1:45    LUNCH

1:45 - 3:45 PM  Czech Literature

Heidi Lerette-Kauffman, University of Chicago
"Anti-Utopia and Uncertainty in Karel Capek's _War with the Newts_"

Jason Pontius, University of Chicago
"Shipwreck and Seed: An Irresponsible Reading of Jiri Wolker's _Tezka
hodina_ (_The Difficult Hour_)"

Martha Kuhlman, New York University
"The Reluctant Detective (A Study of Josef Skvorecky's Detective Stories)"

Laura Shear, University of Chicago
"Carnival Images in Bohumil Hrabal's _Closely Watched Trains_"

        Discussion:  Malynne Sternstein, Asst. Professor, University of Chic=


Norman Ingham, Professor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
and the College, University of Chicago

"Of Continuities and Discontinuities:  The Old and the New in Russian

5:00    Reception

Saturday, April 26, 1997
South Lounge, Second Floor, Reynolds Club
5706 South University Avenue

9:00 AM         Coffee and pastries available for purchase, C-Shop
                First Floor, Reynolds Club (opens 9:00)

9:15 - 10:45    Classicism and Romanticism

Tim Langen, Northwestern University
"Poetic Justice in Pushkin's _The Undertaker_"

Amanda Ewington, University of Chicago
"All in the Eye of the Beholder: Sumarokov's (Mis)reading of Rousseau"

Kamila Kinyon-Kuchar, University of Chicago
"Hynuti in Hynek's "May": The Imperishability of Perishing"

Discussion: David Powelstock, Asst. Professor, University of Chicago

11:00 - 12:30   Milan Kundera

Kimberly Strozewski, Ohio State University
"Reconsidering Kundera's Women"

Joo Lee, The Pennsylvania State University
"The Smile of a Dog: Is the Lightness of Being So Unbearable?"

Aaron Beaver, University of Chicago
"Irony Betrayed: Crescendoing to a Fever 'Kitsch' in Milan Kundera's _The Jo=

        Discussion: Malynne Sternstein, Asst. Professor, University of Chica=

12:30 - 1:45    LUNCH

1:45 - 3:15     Dostoevsky and Nabokov

Sharon Campbell Knox, University of Chicago
"Confession and Forgiveness in _Crime and Punishment_"

Natasha Pakhomova, McGill University
"Invitation to Reconsider Nabokov's Art"

Gwen Walker, University of Wisconsin, Madison
"'Windows Giving upon a Contiguous World': Architectural Imagery in The
Gift and Invitation to a Beheading"

        Discussion:  Anna Lisa Crone, Professor, University of Chicago

3:30 - 5:00     Russian Modernism

Alison K. Smith, University of Chicago
"Ideology Unfurled: Comedy and the Rhetoric of Class in the NEP Stories of
Mikhail Zoshchenko"

Margarita Nafpaktitis, University of Michigan
"Multiple Exposures of the Photographic Motif in Vladislav Khodasevich's
'Sorretinskie fotografii'"

Nicole Boudreau, University of Chicago
"Mayakovsky's poema _Rabocim kurska, dobyvsim pervuju rudu, vremennij
pamjatnik raboty Vladimira Majakovskogo_: Innovation and Tradition"

        Discussion: Milton Ehre, Professor, University of Chicago

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