David J Birnbaum djbpitt+ at pitt.edu
Thu Apr 24 19:04:23 UTC 1997

Dear SEELANGers, Nerdy or Otherwise,

>One of the AATSEEL pages ought to include useful URLs.  They are very
>handy. Where are all the nerds?

When the AATSEEL web was proposed a couple of years ago, one consideration
was that we nerds didn't want to duplicate other existing Slavic and East
European resources, the most comprehensive of which is REESWeb, a part of
the World-Wide Web Virtual Library that is available at:


To avoid trying (and failing) to duplicate REESWeb's coverage of all
things Slavistic and Eastern European, it seemed most useful for the
AATSEEL pages to concentrate on resources directly related to the
association and the profession, as well as on areas of special interest to
the profession for which no other web resources exist, such as the jobs
page maintained by Devin Browne, the pointers to personal Slavist web
pages, and the course syllabi, all linked under the main AATSEEL page,
which is at


Both the AATSEEL pages and REESWeb depend on user suggestions.

Submissions for the AATSEEL pages should be sent to the Webmaster and
Webmistress, who share the address of

  aatseel at clover.slavic.pitt.edu

New URLs for REESWeb may be submitted over the web through the official
REESWeb submission form at


The same information may be submitted to both the AATSEEL pages and
REESWeb, of course, if it seems to be of specific relevance to AATSEEL
and also of general interest to people looking for things Slavic or
Eastern European.

Please note that the AATSEEL website still needs volunteers to construct
and maintain specific pages. For example, yesterday I threw together the
embryo of a web-accessible list of AATSEEL officers and committees, which
is available at


I already try to maintain more pages than I can handle, and I'd be
delighted if someone would volunteer to complete this one and update it as
the membership of committees changes. This is a pretty low-effort job, now
that most of the current information is in place; it would require the
maintainer to identify himself or herself to the chairs of the various
committees, so that the chairs can notify the maintainer whenever people
move onto or off of committees. Any nerds with a bit of web-authoring
experience wanna give it a try?



Professor David J. Birnbaum     email: djbpitt+ at pitt.edu
Department of Slavic Languages  url:   http://clover.slavic.pitt.edu/~djb/
1417 Cathedral of Learning      voice: 1-412-624-5712
University of Pittsburgh        fax:   1-412-624-9714
Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA

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