_polbanka_ [sic.] ?

RB dbulgak at pop3.utoledo.edu
Wed Aug 27 05:53:19 UTC 1997

Loren A. BILLINGS wrote:
> Dear colelagues,
> In connection with my previous queries about _pol_ "1/2" (and my
> forthcoming summary to this list thereof), I've come across the following
> item:
> polb'anka/polb'anki (sl)--pollitrovaja banka vodki --half-liter bottle of
> This (verbatim) is an entry on page 563 of the following dictionary:
>      ZALUCKY, Henry K. (1991)  _Compressed Russian.  Russian-
>           English dictionary of acronyms, semiacronyms and
>           other abbreviations used in contemporary standard
>           Russian._  Amsterdam:  Elsevier.
> I've encountered _polbanki_ before, but _polbanka_ seems to me (and my
> informants) to be totally unfamiliar.  Has anyone out there encountered it,
> by chance?
> Best,  --Loren Billings <billings at rz.uni-leipzig.de>

Yep, we used to call a half-liter bottle of vodka "pol-banki', but it
was in the late seventies, in the days of my youth.... Not sure if
people still say that...

  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  V O D K A  -  Z L O !>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<DON"T DRINK AND DRIVE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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