Bibliographical query

Mike Berry BERRYMJ at
Wed Nov 12 08:16:58 UTC 1997

Can anyone help with the following query which has come through to
me?? Please reply directly to David Moon. Thanks. Mike Berry

 From: "David Moon" <David.Moon at>

I am trying to find an English language translation of Gogol's Selected
Passages from a Correspondence with Friends to assign to some 3rd
years students to read, but have drawn a blank. Do you happen to know
off hand if such a book, or a complete English translation of Gogol's
work, exists?
 I've already been through Birmingham and Cambridge library
catalogues via NISS or JANET, the British Library printed
catalogues and on CD-ROM, and the Library of Congress Union
Catalogue! My only hopes are that these are not complete, that
I've missed one, or that a translation exists as part of a larger
collection, but is not mentioned in the title.)
David M

Mike Berry
Centre for Russian and              Tel: 0121-414-6355
East European Studies,              Fax: 0121-414-3423
University of Birmingham,           email: m.j.berry.rus at
Birmingham B15 2TT, UK.

                   ***** Umom Rossiyu ne ponyat' *****

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