Get a grip...

a telegraph to your soul douglas at
Thu Aug 6 17:39:43 UTC 1998

On Thu, 6 Aug 1998, Jennifer Sunseri wrote:

> These personal attacks reflect poorly on the list and aren't of benefit to
> anyone. I'd been enjoying the discussion, and Tsuji's participation, very
> much. Now it's turned ugly. I cannot understand slinging personal insults
> at someone because you disagree with their views.

Brava, Ms. Sunseri, brava!

> >Please do not pay attention to Tsujiu (I still cannot understand whether
> >it is a male or female name)

I'm not quite sure who I'm replying to, but ... Tsujiu is a masculine
name, if I remember my Japanese right.

> >this person is ignorant in many (too many
> >, I should say) respects. But she/he , or better "IT" thinks it knows
> >everything and is  an expert in all fields of knowledge. I noticed that
> >long time before.I believe the majority supports you and sympathizes
> >with you.Don't take ITS arrogance too close to heart.We shall overcome.

Too many ad hominems here to even begin to start - but, simply put, Tsujiu
has revealed himself to be the better simply by NOT resorting to
phillipics, ad hominem, etc.  So far, I've enjoyed the conversation though
I've disagreed the entire time with Tsujiu's premises - I believe that
comparing Slavic culture and socio-political conflicts with
Chinese/Japanese culture does an injustice to both.

NOw why don't we behave like the adults we supposedly are and debate
points and topics, and NOT each other's gender.  Please?  Prosim?
"Douglas, if you set me on fire, I will scream and burn." - P. Jones

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