Re derivation of the word Zhid

James Naughton james.naughton at
Sun Aug 16 18:03:36 UTC 1998

The following is simply taken from standard dictionaries of English and the Bible and I make no claim to expert knowledge of the subject!

The English term Jew derives via Old French juieu or juiu (12th century) from Latin Iudaeus, Greek Ioudaios, from Hebrew Yehudhi.

The Slavonic term Zhid (e.g. Czech Zid with a hook over the z) has the same Hebrew origin, according to my Czech etymological dictionaries, via Old Italian Giudio, Latin Iudaeus. Etymologically it is the traditional neutral term for Jews.

The meaning in Hebrew is given as member of the tribe of Judah (Yehudhah) - Judah being one of the 12 tribes of Israel.

It is not clear according to what little I have read whether the name of the tribe does for certain come from the name of Judah, son of Jacob and Leah in Genesis.

The etymology of Judah is uncertain, but its meaning is popularly associated with yadah, praise.

James Naughton

James = anglicised form of Jacob, through Spanish Jaime. Naughton, cf. Celtic name Nechtan...

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