FW: cyrillic

Mike Berry BERRYMJ at css.bham.ac.uk
Thu Jul 16 12:38:12 UTC 1998

I still use Wordperfect 5.1 for Russian and have no complaints...
I have a large number of files in AV format (dos 866). It is possible
to convert WP cyrillic to "normal" dos 866 if WP is loaded with the
instruction wp/cp=899. If the text is saved as generic this becomes
regular Dos 866.
I consulted someone at Microsoft on converting these AV files and
received the following reply:

When I get files like this, I just open them in Notepad or WordPad
and change font to be ER Bukinist 866, or any other Windows font
designed for 866 code page. Now, I can read and print the files.

Does this help??
Mike Berry

Mike Berry
Centre for Russian and              Tel: 0121-414-6355
East European Studies,              Fax: 0121-414-3423
University of Birmingham,           email: m.j.berry.rus at bham.ac.uk
Birmingham B15 2TT, UK.

                   ***** Umom Rossiyu ne ponyat' *****

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