Freelance Interpreters

Brian Kranick bkranick at
Wed Jul 29 22:44:28 UTC 1998

     Hello I am writing to you from Berlitz Interpretation Services.  We
     are currently trying to locate individuals across the United States
     who may be interested in freelance interpreting.  Although varying
     from location to location, we do have a great need for Eastern
     European and Slavic language interpreters.  One of our requirements
     due to the nature of our contract, however, is that all of our
     interpreters must be either U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

     Some of the languages we're in need of include: Albanian (Gheg, Tosk,
     Vlore dialect), Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Hungarian, Kosovo,
     Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Polish, Romany(any dialect),
     Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, and Ukranian among

     Interested candidates can contact:

     Brian Kranick
     bkranick at
     1-888-241-9149 ext.117
     fax: 202-496-0868 (to send resume)

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