Cleansing and Slovo o polku Igoreve

Wendell W. Solomons solomons at
Sat May 9 21:56:40 UTC 1998

Greetings Friends!

The list has quietened down.  I am as relieved as
you are that good sense has prevailed and the hunt
called off.

There has been only one somewhat polemicized rebuttal
addressed to me.

That I discuss below.

Best wishes,

wendell w solomons
management research

>>From Robert De Lossa
Director of Publications
Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University

On Sachsiana and the Roswellization of Keenan's Slovo work. It is
astonishing to me that the discussion of the Slovo could have brought on
Jeffrey Sachs bashing (I suppose getting Pipes, too, gives extra credit).


solomons @ responds: It is historian Keenan who promotes his work
as a cleanser of the alien in Russia. If you notice, he brings cleansing
attention to bear on ONE nation though the Legend is treasured not only
from Vladivostok to Moscow but right through to former Yugoslav cities
on the Adriatic. Keenan has thus exhibited a cleansing focus. He has himself
ascribed specific political margins which are the very ones which Richard
Pipes and Jeffrey Sachs have concentrated on among the Slav peoples. I am
discussing nothing other than Keenan's own focus as below:

>Russian culture and national self-esteem can easily survive --
>and in my view will benefit from -- the removal of this alien
>organism, which has become a malignant impediment to self-
>examination and historical understanding.


But maybe I should not be so surprised. I would gently remind our colleague
of a few things: 1) SEELANGS, as last I saw, stands for Slavic and East
European LANGuageS. There are several good alt. groups for anti-Sachs
invective and lamentation on things economic in Russia and Ukraine.


Is it the same cleansing formula that Sachs' colleague Robert De Lossa
now uses? Robert De Lossa comes forward to "defend" the purity of the
list. My word! These are great cleansers.

Perhaps these are elite dreamers who take themselves to be vaccuum cleaners,
Hoovers, for lesser mortals? A vacuum cleaner also blows out air and I suppose
this creates wind under the wing to hoist an elite flight in the clouds. Perhaps
that's why they say, "v raj na chuzhom grobu."

Besides that I quite intend a pun on Hoover. With a mindset that had him wear
female clothes and enter women's washrooms, FBI chief Hoover also liked
winning horse races.

He would supplement his income by putting mobsters out to dope the other
horses on the day before he went went on official duty to inspect the purity
of the races (you will find this in Herbert Hoover documentation at a NY site
on the WWW.) Hoover seems to have had connections to the Mob.

Milton Friedman was economic advisor (before Reagan inherited him) to the
previous Presidential hopeful Barry Goldwater but reporters blew Goldwater's
cover when it was discovered that this vacuum cleaner (the Goldwater label
had a white Supremacist hum) was a frequent guest of mobster Gus Greenbaum's
at Las Vegas' "Flamingo Hotel." We must be careful about cleansers. Friedman
rolled out his vacuum cleaner ostensibly to clean up government expenditure
but Readan was never good at that with him. Reagan wanted to even spend more
on "Star Wars."

After being dropped by movies and Jane Wyman, Reagan happened to personally
hit the hot money trail in Las Vegas after compering 'variete' around 1954.
At that point he met up with business and industry in the shape of a
spokesman's job for GEC. The new WW2 defense industry of the US Southern
rim took Reagan next door to governership in California in 1966 and thence
onwards to "Star Wars." It was from a southern platform that the kid born
above a Illinois store sold the Northern liberals down the river. That was
one secret under the belt of the folksy, Great Communicator. Once having
vowed he had voted four times for FDR, Reagan had imbibed the Northern
liberal idiom and vocabulary when cubbing as a Democrat. Then Reagan crossed
over and went on to puff neoliberalism down our noses, a medicine then called
Voodoo Economics.


Most of us here live by the word and its analysis, not the GDP or
export-import balances.
Just notice below that De Lossa gives economist Sachs a green light.
We will take that up subsequently.

So ... Robert De Lossa's particular Hoover requires that everything distinct
from his 'word' be put on alt. groups?

Where are we? Is it a matter of De Lossa's "doxy" being orthodoxy and
another's "doxy" being heterodoxy? My! Why demonize others like this and
throw them into outer darkness?

Is "living by the word" something esoteric or elite? We know "word" is
related to Skt. "arta." This was established before the common era. The
huge "Artha/sastra" of Chandragupta Maura of 300 BC deals with
propaganda, ministers, revenues, the whole gamut of statecraft. It is
almost as large a concept as "word" in Logos of John 1:1.

What if we cleanse worth, legality,  sociology, philosophy, religion,
music, poetry, from language, from word analysis? Where would this land
fellow professionals? Could anyone practice what he preaches?


Despite that observation, I will further note: 2) The Soviet
economy fell apart first, this is the primary reason the Russian and
Ukrainian economies are the way they are and, indeed, the major reason why
we now talk about a "Russian" and "Ukrainian" economy at all. All the FSU
countries inherited little rotten economies from the big rotten one and
merciless nomenklaturas and Soviet institutional criminality that easily
translated into regional criminality (cf. Roman Szporluk's prescient
comment long ago that the CPSU functioned like a big Cosa Nostra).
Commonsense was applied in the GDR. Its nomenklatura head Eric Honecker
was himself on trial. In the case of Sachs', we are dealing with sour-
grapes apologetics because Sachs had drafted himself of his own free will.
To express this in another way, it is the bad carpenter who blames his tools.

Moscow now has at least 30 criminal gangs developed during the last 6 years
through the anarchist privatization. I have to mention again that I contacted
Sachs' associate, the IBRD's Lawrence Summers in 1993 and warned him of the
consequences. I sent repeated short faxes after that. It is in the same spirit
that I speak up now on Keenan's cleanup of Russia in the Legend affair. I
speak to save myself and 6 billion people a clean-up bill for hasty antics
and charlatanry.

To read the Anne Willamson report shows that we may be dealing with criminal
negligence in the application of U.S.AID money. If elitist whitewash is not
the case, why haven't Sachs peers submited this case to the legal branch and
maintained the prestige of Harvard itself? Perhaps the prestige of Harvard
as an institution isn't the real issue?

Having had $250 million to spend, one gathers that Jeffery Sachs could afford
a little support.


Rumors to the contrary, Sachs did not advise Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, et al.,
when they created the institutions that made the USSR what it was and thereby
determined the history of that region to this day.
MAY DAY ... Why should we let down universities like this?

Would someone please take the pressure off me and post details in case
there are more people who don't know this event? I can't go beyond this
small comment. Solzhenitsyn researched and wrote a whole book on the
Zurich events.

Marxists were proscribed in Germany but the German ambassador was meeting
Lenin in Zurich. A letter from State Secretary Kuhlman shows he was
ostensibly financing "Iskra", Lenin's newspaper. From Switzerland Lenin
was sped by train across the territory of Germany to St. Petersburg. The
German State Secretary had assets right in the city. First, through foreign
trade operations the German side had built up massive counterpart funds in
St. Petersburg. Second, Germany's Princess Anna of Hesse was known by the
German embassy to have uncanny influence on her husband, ruler Nicholas II.
The State Secretary was confident that he had words from the horse's mouth

Still, for this contract of underming Nicholas II, Kuhlman had chosen the
wrong man (Sachs made the same blunder when choosing his 1993 team and they
had a noisy falling out some portion of that documented by Janine Wedel of
George Washington U.)

Lenin had previously been in business by using telegraph to inform brigands
who held up and robbed cash trains in the Caucuses with the loss of hundreds
of lives. Lenin was to resist Kuhlman's agenda and bring in Stalin from Tiflis
to trample on intellectuals. That affected the position of liberals and
spread the doctrine of Germany's Karl Marx among Slav nations. Such blunders
can have devastating effects.


Why is it that the Soviet Union had great intellects that we respected
and mighty warriors that we feared before the _raspad_, but that afterward
the successor states are deemed not capable of being responsible for
themselves or resisting the depredations of the _zapadnye dollarovye sotni_?
There is cause and effect at work here.

I have mentioned that Kofi Annan (Ghana) and Jayantha Dhanapala (Sri Lanka)
helped prevent new loss of life on the part of US/UK and Iraq. This compares
with the devastation done by Jeffrey Sachs on $ 250 billion of the U.S.
taxpayers' money. More than by definition, Russians were born in a centrally-
planned economy and were innocent of market economics. It was like taking
candy from a baby. In saving lives and resources, could the Ghanian and the
Sri Lankan have cared for humans and for American tax-payer MORE than
Jeffery Sachs?


4) I know Prof. Sachs and his work. He is a decent man and has applied that
decency to his work in other economies. I think someone should finally
say "enough's enough" with attributing every woe in the FSU to Jeff
Sachs. There, I've said it.
More than a mouthful indeed. Does Robert De Lossa professes enough
economics to give us an opinion on Sachs? Why does De Lossa then taboo
reinforcement of language study with economic, sociological, philosophical
knowledge to others?

As you can see De Lossa has proceeded deep into an attempt to whitewash
Sachs. I had simply asked about where Russian cleanser Keenan and his
fellow Slavopile cleansers had been when Prof.Sachs was getting his bags
ready for his intrusion into Russian society and culture.  The discussion
on economics and Russian civilization had to happen not post factum. Slavic
lights had to blow the whistle on time. I have remarked, "Jaitso khorosho
k kristovy dnju." Then their credentials would not stand to be debunked.


5) With regard to the implied Keenan-Pipes-Sachs/Harvard conspiracy:
Internal logic, man! Anyone who thinks that two Harvard professors (let
alone three) would agree on any topic long enough to form a conspiracy...
In the Jones family, the kids Tom, Al, Dick may be of different heights.
Yet they could all be in the same Jones family. The specific (Tom, Al, Dick)
and the general (Jones family) exist together in life. The existence of the
specific (Tom) does not negate the general (the Jones family.) Why this
pulling of an ace from one's cuff using a fallacy classically described
in semantics?

There is also an attempt to create a straw man (for burning,) to attribute
a "conspiracy" theory to me. If the "conspiracy" cap suits Robert De Lossa,
he might put it to just test.

If he is inclined to take up that position, let me say that when strong
objections are raised in circumstances where large tax payers' funds are
involved, responsible men and officials prefer to submit to judicial or
administrative investigation, conspiracies of men that may have defrauded
the tax payer or provided defective goods and services on a government

Pipes' Red Indian reservation theory for the peoples of the former USSR
is so flimsy that I shan't comment upon it. With company like that of
Pipes, who needs enemies? See the Chernobyl report below.

It is the internal logic, the consistency, that interested me at this
stage -- what the Slavic lights in the neighborhood were doing when Sachs
proposed the grafting of a foreign anarchist dogma by beaming it nightly
into every home on the central channels of Russian TV. That audience hardly
knew the sort of programming that PR firm Buston-Marstellar used, the same
firm that was used to cover up the Valdez oil-slick disaster for U.S.
audiences. Sachs had agreed to co-opting B-M which had covered up for
the silicone breast implants with which DOW have maimed hundreds of
American women. The women's group has a WWW site.

My doxy had been to ask how consistent these learned men are in their
claims of clean workmanship. The main thing Robert De Lossa has had on
offer is an attempt to get wind under his wings by using a clean-up
device of his own. His response has laid simple fallacies of reasoning
and semantics on the table and thereby evade the questions I raised.

The reflexes of conditioning he demonstrates adds little prestige to
his institution, the Ukrainian Research Institute at Harvard. It is
perhaps similar conditioning that earned the Jeffery Sachs privatization
in Russia the chapter title "Crime of the Century" in Anne Williamson's
investigative book.


Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998
From: Anne Williamson
Subject: Crime of the Century

In the current exchange on JRL regarding crime, I am compelled to
join Michelle Berdy and Jonas Bernstein in support of Peter Reddaway's
remarks concerning Anders Aslund's nefarious contentions which The Weekly
Standard surprisingly saw fit to publish.

The following material is one chapter from my just-completed book, How
America Built the New Russian Oligarchy.  My effort follows privatization
and the development of the securities market and the financial industry
generally while examining the West's assistance efforts via USAID (Harvard
University), the IMF and the World Bank.  "Crime" is inadequate as a word
and even as a concept to describe what these people perpetrated and continue
to perpetrate in Russia.

The principal criminal debacles from which all others flowed are Jeffery
Sachs's and Yegor Gaidar's shock therapy and voucher privatization.  The
preceding chapter, "Foreign Manners", deals with Sachs's and Aslund's 1992
macroeconomic "reforms" and the attached chapter is the one that deals with
voucher privatization as executed by Harvard's minions.  Later chapters
detail Shares-for-Loans and other scams, swindles and robberies in which
Harvard Management, which invests the university's endowment, and the
billionaire speculator philanthropist moralist George Soros loom large as

However, it is the crime of voucher privatization that needs to be
understood in its specifics before anyone can possibly understand the
totality of what the US did in Russia.

More at  <>


Ukraine's Chernobyl to restart May 18

KIEV, May 8 (Reuters) - The third reactor at Ukraine's stricken Chernobyl
nuclear power plant will be restarted on May 18, the plant's new director
said on Friday.
   ``We plan to start up on May 18,'' Vitaly Tovstonohov, appointed director
of the plant earlier this week, told Reuters by telephone from Chernobyl,
located about 150 km (100 miles) north of the capital Kiev.
   The third reactor, the only one still operating at the plant, was shut
down last year after cracks were found in the cooling system's pipes.
   Ukraine had planned to re-activate the reactor on May 5. But the
government delayed the start saying it had been asked to do so by the
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to avoid panic
at the bank's annual general meeting in the Ukrainian capital this weekend.
   ``We could start it earlier, we are ready to do so but we have to delay
it (until end of EBRD meeting),'' Tovstonohov said.
   Chernobyl's fourth reactor exploded in 1986, throwing up a radioactive
cloud which contaminated large parts of Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and other
parts of Europe.
   Ukraine has promised Western donors, including the Group of Seven (G7)
rich industrial nations, that it will close down Chernobyl by 2000.
   But Ukraine and donor countries have been haggling over hundreds of
millions of dollars the former Soviet republic says it needs to close down
the plant and repair a leaking steel and concrete structure covering the
highly radioactive fourth reactor.
   Ukraine is also demanding $1.2 billion to complete two new nuclear
reactors in the west of the country.

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