Russian economic term

Genevra Gerhart ggerhart at
Wed May 20 17:41:43 UTC 1998

First, the question:
Help...can someone explain the Russian economic term moral'nyj iznos?
Is there an established English translation?
Then, the answer:
'moral'niy iznos' is simply  "OUTDATED"  (from RB)
Even more words...meli Emelya, tvoya nedelya....
Then, my response:
 no way is moral'nyy iznos equivalent to "outdated"

I apologize to the list and especially RB for being wrong, wrong, wrong
about moral'nyy iznos.  The cause was ignorance and sloth plus the devil
who put them together.  I forgot the maxim that "the meaning of a word
is its use," and that word roots are particularly vague pointers at
meaning. (Mind you, American feminists made the same 2 mistakes.)
    From all this we can learn that the response of "...meli Emelya,
tvoya nedelya" is not terribly kind.  In this set expression, Emelya is
dismissed as a stupid boob whose blatherings are eminently ignorable (a
waste of time) to the more knowledgeable community.
    melit': MELh: meal, mill, molar, mallet, maul.
I return to my grindings. gg

Genevra Gerhart

2134 E. Interlaken  Bl.                 Tel. 206/329-0053
Seattle, WA  98112                      ggerhart at

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