ISO of poker/playing card vocab

Georges Adassovsky gadassov at
Wed Oct 7 01:22:07 UTC 1998

At 06:12 -0400 06/10/98, you wrote:

>Privet all!  Anyone have or know where I can find any information on
>Russian vocab for playing cards?  I wanted to do a card playing activity
>in my Russian class, but I realized I don't know words for things like
>Jack, Ace, etc.  Or if "clubs, hearts, spades, and diamonds" are
>translated literally or if other specific words are used.  Any help would
>be greatly appreciated!
>Devin / Divan
>Devin P Browne
>dpbrowne+ at

Masti: piki, cervy, bubny,trefy.
Spades = piki
hearts = cervy
diamonds = bubny
clubs = trefy

Ace = tuz
korol', dama, valet,
dvojka, trojka, cetvjorka, pjatjorka, shestjorka, semjorka, vos'mjorka,
devjatka, desjatka.

dvojka bubjon, trojka cervej,
igrat' s cervej
pikovaja, trefovaja, bubnovaja, cervonnaja dama,
dama cervej, bubjon, tref, pik.


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