definitions, please

Thu Oct 8 17:33:17 UTC 1998

Dear Polishlangers:
I cannot find the definition of this word in any of my dictionaries:

["Ja z'renic mam sto na sko'rze mych ra,k"]

and I'm having trouble translating these phrases:

"jak wiatr w skroniach wierzb"

"Nim odejde, sta,d po s'ladach twych sto'p

The word and lines quoted above come from the song "Zanim zasne," sung by Anna
Maria Jopek

Would someone help me? Bardzo dziekuje.  Kevin

Kevin Christianson, Ph.D                <<KCHRISTIANS at>>
English Department / Box 5053 / Tennessee Tech University / Cookeville, TN 38505

owoc owocuje w smierci / kwiatu / my tez
  a fruit matures in the death / of a flower / so do we --Malgorzata Misiewicz
Czech novelist Milan Kundera's comments on  Czech poet Jaroslav Seifert,
1984 Nobel Prize winner: "In 1969, when the Russian horror was battering the
country...[t]his little nation, trampled and doomed--how could it possibly
justify its existence? There before us was the justification: the poet, heavy,
with his crutches leaning against the table; the poet, the tangible expression
of the nation's genius."

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