MAU Congress in Odesa

Robert De Lossa rdelossa at
Thu Aug 19 14:30:21 UTC 1999

For those of you going to MAU next week:

Kyiv is keeping us on our toes. I just confirmed the rumors that
Londonskaya is closed for repairs. The central MAU office has made sure
that there are enough rooms at other hotels so that everyone will have a
room, but if you are traveling individually and are planning to head
straight for Londonskaya once in Odessa--beware. Ways of dealing with this:

1. You can e-mail me and I will call Kyiv tomorrow with a list of names
that need to be reassigned. I will e-mail you the results.

2. You can call Kyiv directly. Call Oleksandr Petrovskyi at tel./fax
(380-44) 229-76-50.

3. You can make separate arrangements through a travel arrangement
(Petrovskyi said that the other hotels on the list are open).

4. You can just show up and go directly to Odesa University, where the
central office for the Congress will be: 24-26 Francuskii bul'var
(Humanitarian bldg.), phone is 23-64-27 for the MAU office there in Odesa
(full number for international calls: 380-482-23-64-27). They have blocks
of rooms and will put you in one place or another depending on how much you
want to spend. (Brings back memories of Kharkiv...)

Please pass on the word to anyone you know who is going.  I never received
from Kyiv a list of American and Canadian delegates; I suspect that the
majority of registrants bypassed AAUS and registered directly with Kyiv...


Robert De Lossa
Secretary-Treasurer, American Association for Ukrainian Studies

Robert De Lossa
Ukrainian Research Institute
Harvard University
1583 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138
617-496-8768; fax. 617-495-8097
reply to: rdelossa at

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