Polish fonts -- zloty sign

Thu Feb 18 20:11:39 UTC 1999

I've been trying to find some freeware Polish fonts to expand those I already
have.  I would especially like to find a sign for the zloty (zl) to replace the
US dollar sign on my Polish keyboard. On a related note, I've been looking for
a walking figure symbol to use to indicate non-vehicular motion-verbs -- motion
by foot -- but have had not any luck. Plenty of cars and airplanes, and some
standing male and female figures as well as a few runners -- but no walking

Thanks in advance for your help.  Kevin

Kevin Christianson, Ph.D                <<KCHRISTIANS at tntech.edu>>
English Department / Box 5053 / Tennessee Tech University / Cookeville, TN 38505
"the pure products of America go crazy" --wc williams
"znow przemeblowanie w piekle / czyni wladza zbrojnych kanibali" Marianna Bocian
[again the government of armed cannibals / rearranges the furniture in hell]

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