Nas malo...

Elena Mikhailik E.Mikhailik at
Fri Mar 26 08:14:04 UTC 1999

At 06:25 25/03/99 -0500, you wrote:
Dear Joe,

The width of stripes is 10 mm. The telnyashka I have has no border around
the neck opening but some I've seen in Odessa had a blue border around the
I hope I helps.

Sincerely yours,

Elena Mikhailik

>Here is a request that-I hope-is sufficiently obscure to warrant a posting.
>What is the width of the stripes on a Russian sailor's "tel'niashka" (in
>millimeters or inches)?  Is there a border around the neck opening, and if
>so is it dark blue or white?  Also, would anyone be willing to fax me
>(614-688-3107) a sketch of the front of a sailor's middy [shirt]
>("rubakha") with the tel'niashka showing?  (Note: Genevra, make sure you
>include this in your third edition.)  It has been a while since I have seen
>these up close.
>Spasibo zaranee,
>Jeff Holdeman
>The Ohio State University

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