Media US vs. Russia (was Re: visiting Russia)

Ursula Doleschal ursula.doleschal at
Tue May 4 08:11:34 UTC 1999

    But for the REALLY
    >one-sided coverage watch American TV, which still talks about >MILOSEVICH
    >being "punished" by bombardments, as opposed to his people suffering
    This is another Western myth, which Zizek addresses, by the way. There
    is no bad Milosevic (Miloshevich, if you like) and good Serbian people.
    "they" can be defined broadly.
    That is what you are doing in this case, too.
    "Wie herrlich würde es nicht um die Welt stehen, wenn die grossen Herrn den Frieden wie eine Maitresse liebten, sie haben für ihre Person zu wenig vom Kriege zu fürchten." (G.C.Lichtenberg)
    Dr. Ursula Doleschal
    Inst. f. Slawische Sprachen WU Wien
    Augasse 9, A-1090 Wien
    ursula.doleschal at

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