textbook survey update

David J Birnbaum djbpitt+ at pitt.edu
Tue May 11 23:04:08 UTC 1999


Earlier today I posted an inquiry about third- and fourth-year Russian
language textbook selections. I've already received six responses (plus my
own), and I've arranged these on a web page at:


I'll add additional information as it comes in.

My original inquiry was about third- and fourth-year courses, but since
several people reported on their first- and second-year textbook
selections and it didn't take much effort to include that information on
the page, I did so. If anyone else wants to send first- and second-year
information, I'll include that, as well. Currently there are nineteen
different books and videos listed, eleven used at the third- and
fourth-year levels and ten at the first- and second- (some overlap).

The textbook references are based on what I received from correspondents,
which means that there are inconsistencies in whether authors, publishers,
and other information is reported. If anyone sends me author or publisher
information I may be missing, I'll be happy to include it.

Thanks to all contributors so far, and I'll look forward to hearing from
other instructors and incorporating their information, as well.



Professor David J. Birnbaum     email: djbpitt+ at pitt.edu
Department of Slavic Languages  url:   http://clover.slavic.pitt.edu/~djb/
1417 Cathedral of Learning      voice: 1-412-624-5712
University of Pittsburgh        fax:   1-412-624-9714
Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA

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