Dostoevsky Webcast

Stephen Blackwell sblackwe at
Thu Nov 4 00:56:17 UTC 1999


You are invited to view a webcast of a presentation and dramatic reading
of Dostoevsky's "Grand Inquisitor" (in English), by translatr Ignat Avsey
and actor Roger Heathcott.  The program is being broadcast as a test
application of the university of Tennessee's new video streaming
technology.  If you watch some or all of the event, please do let me know
how effective you find the technical aspects of the webcast.  Any feedback
will be appreciated.  Your students, of course, are also invited to watch.
A 56k modem connection should suffice, but an ISDN or ethernet connection
will give the best quality.

7pm, tomorrow, Thursday, November 4 via the following URL:

UTK Absurd Festival:

Stephen H. Blackwell                            office: 423/974-3421
Assistant Professor of Russian                  fax: 423/974-7096
Department of Germanic, Slavic, and Asian Languages     sblackwe at
701 McClung Tower
University of Tennessee
Knoxville TN 37996

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