A couple of questions about etymology

Alex as at ticom.kharkov.ua
Thu Nov 4 12:19:05 UTC 1999

> Zdravstvuyte Aleksey i drugie seelangovcy
> Otvechayu po poryadku
> 1) doroga
> Fasmer (kak i pochti vse drugie avtoritetnie slovari) vozvodit yeto
> slovo k indoevropeyskomu *dorgh- , chto svyazano s rus. glagolom "dergat'"
> i oznachaet "prodrannoe v lesu prostranstvo"
> 2) shlyah
> zaimstvovano cherez pol'sk. szlach, chesh. s^lak "sled, koleya" iz
> sredneverhnenemetskogo slag, slac "koleya, sled, doroga", novoverhnenem.
> Schlag "udar"
> 2a) shlyat'sya (dial. slyat'sya)
> soglasno Sobolevskomu - iz *s&lati se, (& - yeto er) svyazannogo so "slat'"
> Esli nuzhna bolee podrobnaya informatsiya - pishite, Fasmer pod rukoy.
> Naschet afraziyskih yazikov s hodu ne vspomnyu, no pomnyu, chto videl
> knizhku ili stat'yu pro arabskie zaimstvovaniya. Esli nuzhno - poprobuyu
> vspomnit' tochnee.
> PS: Transliteratsiya avtomaticheskaya, tak chto uzhasnaya.


I am a native Russian speaker and it took me a long time to read this message.
It's really awful. I can only imagine how difficult it is for non-native

I've got an idea. Dear seelangs teachers of Russian. Could you take this piece
of a text and ask some Russian learners (beginners desirably) to "translate"
it back to cyrillic? See what happens. Perhaps you will ensure that this
is not just incorrect - it might be really dangerous.



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