Decameron (the twist)

Alina Israeli aisrael at
Thu Nov 11 13:54:42 UTC 1999

>Damavik ("House ghost" in Belarusian) and Dekameron (the
>famous French writer, sorry I have no idea how to spell it in French),

I would hesitate to call Boccaccio "French" (although according to some
saurces he was born in Paris, others claim he was born in Florence or
Certaldo, and possibly his mother was French). He is considered "father of
Italian prose writers". If we believe Maurice Druon, he did work in Paris
in his uncle's bank's office for a while. That's all about his Frenchness.
He wrote in Italian and about Italy. Decameron were the tales told during
the plague in Florence, as far as I remember.

>He published two books:  Damavikameron-I and Damavikameron-
>II.  Each book has 66 tales.

Decameron has 10 as its root. I wonder how 66 relates to tens if we are in
base 10?

Alina Israeli

Alina Israeli
LFS, American University                phone:  (202) 885-2387
4400 Mass. Ave., NW                     fax:    (202) 885-1076
Washington, DC 20016

aisrael at

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