Georgian films

Alexey I. Fuchs c0654038 at
Mon Nov 29 09:29:13 UTC 1999

> I am sorry to be quibbling, Alexey, but I am an advocate of a non-polluted
> Internet environment:
> "Ne gorjuj" is based on the mid 19th-century French novel: "Mon oncle
> Benjamin" by Claude Tillier. It is about the (mis)adventures of a country
> doctor whose deeds include pulling a bone out of the throat of a nobleman
> (kniaz' in Russian does not mean king!). Daneliia transposed the material to
> beginning 20th-century Georgia.
> Christina

        I apologize for being mistaken. Just wanted to give as much of the
movie as I remembered (for I have seen it long ago). Thought he was a
king, assumed the legend was mediaeval, tried to provide hints to identify
the movie, and, probably, failed. Mea culpa.

        Apologies again, thanks for elucidation.

        To complete the confession, looking back at Ashik Kerib, I notice
that there was nothing (for me, not acquainted enough with Georgian
Culture) to identify him and his environment as Georgian (apart from
intermediary titles). His Azerbaijan origin would solve the enigma of
Turkish-sounding language they all spoke.


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