Query: Literary prizes other than Russian and Ukrainian

Jolanta M. Davis jmdavis at FAS.HARVARD.EDU
Thu May 11 15:20:16 UTC 2000

Thank you very much. Unfortunately I don't speak Slovenian (at least not
yet), but I'll see if anyone in the Slavic Division at Harvard's Widener
library does.
thanks again

At 04:24 PM 5/10/00 , you wrote:
> >So far, I have gotten responses only about Russian and Ukrainian prizes.
> >Does anyone know anything about prizes in other Slavic/Central
> >European/Central Asian countries? It is hard to believe that no literary
> >prizes are awarded there.
>We have the Presernova nagrada (Presern's prize) in Slovenia, but it's a pri
>ze for all culture, not only literature. I tried to find something on the Sl
>ovenian part of the net, but it looks like there's nothing there (and they c
>ould at least publish this year's winners and so forth.)
>Finally I rememberd that at least some news about it should've been publishe
>d and found what follows (Slovenian only)
>http://www.24ur.com/dogodki/dogodki_arhiv.asp?datum= 1.2.2000&pagesize=19&wh
>Part of it goes to the students: http://www.24ur.com/dogodki/dogodki_arhiv.a
>Then ther's a literary contest Mladika http://www.24ur.com/dogodki/dogodki_a
>There's also a comedy award: http://www.24ur.com/dogodki/dogodki_arhiv.asp?d
>HTH, Katja
>Katja Benevol Gabrijelcic
>prevajalka in lektorica
>freelance translator
>traduttrice indipendente
>ita>slo>ita, ang>slo
>mailto:kitty at 17slon.com
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