Nasel'niki i svyazochki

Steve Marder asred at HOME.COM
Thu Oct 5 22:21:56 UTC 2000


> An intriguing question. Can you tell us the context? Why a monastery?
> D'iachenko gives for nasel'nik: zhitel', tuzemets while Dal' suggests
> that the word may mean 'original inhabitants of a region'. The
> sviazochka is presumably the diminutive of sviazka which Dal' lists as
> headgear of various kinds, and female headgear.

Owing to worldwide migrations over several decades, I cannot now
pinpoint the source; what remains of the original context amounts to a
few words scribbled on a small piece of paper! However, your reference
to Dal' has triggered a memory: it is quite possible "svyazochki" were (are)
associated not with "nasel'niki," but rather "nasel'nicy." My
regrettably incomplete recollection of the passage nevertheless suggests
a religious setting, specifically, a monastery. The
"nasel'niki"-monastery link is further borne out by a number of Russian
search engines.

I am grateful for your input.


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