Nasel'niki i svyazochki

Alex a_strat at HOTMAIL.COM
Thu Oct 5 04:55:02 UTC 2000

> Could anyone enlighten me on the meaning and best English equivalent of
> "nasel'nik" and "svyazochka"? So far as I know, "nasel'nik" is
> "inhabitant of a monastery," but how precise is such a rendering? (ANY
> inhabitant?) As far as "svyazochka" is concerned, all I know is that it
> is some form of pointed headgear -- worn by "nasel'niki"? -- but that is
> the extent of my knowledge of this particular usage of the word.

Here you are! I am a native Russian speaker and I've got no idea how to
write "nasel'nik" in cyrillic! I told you before about the ambiguity of this
approach. Some time ago I received this message from my friend in USA:

***Naverniye i mne pridetsya kupit' digital camera ili scanner,
chto bi mi ne zabili fizionomii drug druga.***

I replied to this: "...nie zabili na smiert'!"

(You should stress here "na" to see the real pun)

In plain Russian it wouldn't possible!



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