MSWord accented Cyrillic text

Alexandre Bougakov bougakov at MAIL.RU
Fri Oct 27 14:03:07 UTC 2000

Hello, David,

Friday, October 27, 2000, 2:14:07 PM, you wrote:

DEC> The Combining Diacritical Marks are the ones you would
DEC> use;  when inserted (by double-clicking on the desired character in
DEC> the grid), they appear in your document immediately over the
DEC> character which precedes them without advancing the cursor.  So, to
DEC> type accented "a", first type in "a" then insert the combining acute
DEC> accent immediately following.

And how do you insert Cyrillic 'u', 'jy' and 'ja' with accents?

The obvious solution was to go to the Microsoft's website. I did it -
and I have found the wonderful page called Office Extensions - and downloaded very small script
called Stress97. It can insert accent above _any_ character - even
Korean or Chinese.

Get it from
(18 kilobytes) It's free.

By the way, there are lots of other scripts and even big applications
designed for MS Office family. All of them are very interesting and

Alexandre Bougakov <bougakov at>

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