MSWord accented Cyrillic text

Yoshimasa Tsuji yamato at YT.CACHE.WASEDA.AC.JP
Fri Oct 27 12:07:49 UTC 2000

I usually don't use Microsoft's software, but am sometimes forced
to do so.
  In the given case, I would simply type `a for an a with the
stress, save the text, process it with a transliteration
software that converts the combination of `a into a single
unicode character, and feed the resulting unicode text file
to MS Word again.

Incidentally, I prefer to use TeX which understands what `a
stands for. Looking up a character map and putting a cursor on
it is too much trouble for me (I like to write with eyes closed,
monitors shut down: I am too used to key-boards...)


There might be a software in Russia already that puts the stress
mark on every word: I have noticed some programs reading Russian
text with appropriate stresses (e.g. the accessory software to
Ushakov's dictionary that reads out the article[stat'ja, what's
the English word?] of the entry word.)

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