Russian pronunciation query

Paul B. Gallagher paulbg at PBG-TRANSLATIONS.COM
Thu Jul 12 15:08:15 UTC 2001

chris tessone wrote:

> > I assume the "s" is pronounced [z] because of the following "d."
> > Should I also assume that because it occurs between "s" ("z") and
> > "n," the "d" is silent? In other words, do we get [znyom
> > razhzheniya]?
> When I say it, I usually produce a glottal stop for the "d" at least,
> but it's certainly not articulated by the tongue.

If I understand you correctly, there is a "d," with full closure, but no
release until the end of the "n"? -- as in "zadniy"?

nasalization    --------------------+++++++++++++---------
closure         -----------++++++++++++++++++++++---------
friction        +++++++++++-------------------------------
voicing         ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

and not the American version:

nasalization    --------------------+++++++++++++---------
closure         -----------++++++---+++++++++++++---------
friction        +++++++++++-------------------------------
voicing         ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

(using "ñ" for palatalized "n" and "@" for schwa)

Or are you saying there is no closure at all until the onset of the "n,"

nasalization    --------------------+++++++++++++---------
closure         --------------------+++++++++++++---------
friction        +++++++++++-------------------------------
voicing         +++++++++++---------++++++++++++++++++++++

(using "?" to represent glottal stop)

Thanks again.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
pbg translations, inc.
"Russian Translations That Read Like Originals"

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