Russian pronunciation query

elizabeth ginzburg eginzbur at MIDWAY.UCHICAGO.EDU
Thu Jul 12 15:09:35 UTC 2001

Dear Paul Gallagher,
we have a nice translation of the famous story about a baby elephant an a
crocodile, written by R.K. When the crocodile pulled the elephant's nose,
the latter said in Russian of course:
otpustite boi dos, bde zhe bol'do, to est' otpustite moi nos, mne zhe
When I say <Sdnyom>, I produce the same sound D I would have if had
dasmork, i.e. nasmork. At least this is what my nose feels. ia vsegda
doveriaiu svoemu nosu.

On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

> Deer Seelangers,
> It's been a long time since I heard anyone say "Ó ÄÎ£Í ÒÏÖÄÅÎÉÑ" (I work
> with written texts and have little opportunity for contact with the
> spoken language) and I was wondering if you could clear something up for
> me.
> I assume the "Ó" is pronounced [Ú] because of the following "Ä."
> Should I also assume that because it occurs between "Ó" ("Ú") and "Î,"
> the "Ä" is silent? In other words, do we get [ÚÎ£Í ÒÁÖÖÅÎÉÑ]?
> Thanks.
> ============================================================
> Same as above, in transliteration for the Cyrillic-crippled
> ============================================================
> It's been a long time since I heard anyone say "s dnem rozhdeniya" (I
> work with written texts and have little opportunity for contact with the
> spoken language) and I was wondering if you could clear something up for
> me.
> I assume the "s" is pronounced [z] because of the following "d."
> Should I also assume that because it occurs between "s" ("z") and "n,"
> the "d" is silent? In other words, do we get [znyom razhzheniya]?
> Thanks.
> --
> War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
> --
> Paul B. Gallagher
> pbg translations, inc.
> "Russian Translations That Read Like Originals"
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