Russian pronunciation query

Jeff Holdeman holdeman.2 at OSU.EDU
Thu Jul 12 15:46:42 UTC 2001

Dear Paul,

With "S dnyom rozhdeniia", the literary pronunciation will be [zdn].
Your intuition (or familiarity with pronunciation rules) is good,
however.  In the middle of words like prazdnik, the -zdn- is
simplified to -zn-.  Seemingly, since the [zdn] in S dnyom crosses a
word boundary, the [zdn] is kept in literary pronunciation.  However,
in rapid speech and in casual speech, I encounter "S dnyom" as the
simplified [snyom] quite frequently.

Kostya/Chris Tessone wrote:

>  When I say it, I usually produce a glottal stop for the "d" at least,
>  but it's certainly not articulated by the tongue.

He should have said "nasal plosive".  There is full closure with the
[d] and the release comes with the [n], "as in 'zadniy'", as you
pointed out in your first example.  I would expect that most English
speakers have this in the word "kidney".

(On a side note, in your transliterated section [my computer doesn't
like your Cyrillic at all, unfortunately], you have [razhzhen-] for
rozhden-; it should be [razhden-].)


Jeff Holdeman
The Ohio State University
holdeman.2 at

>Deer Seelangers,
>It's been a long time since I heard anyone say "? ???? ????????" (I work
>with written texts and have little opportunity for contact with the
>spoken language) and I was wondering if you could clear something up for
>I assume the "?" is pronounced [?] because of the following "?."
>Should I also assume that because it occurs between "?" ("?") and "?,"
>the "?" is silent? In other words, do we get [???? ????????]?
>Same as above, in transliteration for the Cyrillic-crippled
>It's been a long time since I heard anyone say "s dnem rozhdeniya" (I
>work with written texts and have little opportunity for contact with the
>spoken language) and I was wondering if you could clear something up for
>I assume the "s" is pronounced [z] because of the following "d."
>Should I also assume that because it occurs between "s" ("z") and "n,"
>the "d" is silent? In other words, do we get [znyom razhzheniya]?
>War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
>Paul B. Gallagher
>pbg translations, inc.
>"Russian Translations That Read Like Originals"
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