Russian pronunciation query

Paul B. Gallagher paulbg at PBG-TRANSLATIONS.COM
Thu Jul 12 17:09:15 UTC 2001

Dear Jeff,

> With "S dnyom rozhdeniia", the literary pronunciation will be [zdn].
> Your intuition (or familiarity with pronunciation rules) is good,
> however.  In the middle of words like prazdnik, the -zdn- is
> simplified to -zn-.  Seemingly, since the [zdn] in S dnyom crosses a
> word boundary, the [zdn] is kept in literary pronunciation.  However,
> in rapid speech and in casual speech, I encounter "S dnyom" as the
> simplified [snyom] quite frequently.

That's pretty close to what I expected, especially the bit about the
word boundary influencing the result, but I didn't expect a voiceless
[s] in [snyom]. I guess the deletion occurs before the assimilation.

> ...
> (On a side note, in your transliterated section [my computer doesn't
> like your Cyrillic at all, unfortunately], you have [razhzhen-] for
> rozhden-; it should be [razhden-].)

That was actually a subconscious troll, I think. In reviewing my
pronunciation manuals, I see that the long soft [zh] is deprecated
except when spelled "zhzh" or "zzh" or in words from the root "dozhd',"
pronounced [dosh'sh'] in the nominative and [dozh'zh'-] elsewhere. And
even there, [-zh'd'-] is permitted under the influence of the spelling.

But I've always been curious what real people do with this stuff. Books
can only tell you so much, and I miss the daily exposure to real live

Thanks for your info. Go Bucks!

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
pbg translations, inc.
"Russian Translations That Read Like Originals"

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